Interview with Gregor Marie Hoff, Spiritual Advisor to the German Synodal Way

The German Catholic church is in crisis. Sexual abuse by clergy as well as the inadequate response by the hierarchy are identified as a major cause of this contretemps. In 2018 a church-commissioned report detailed the abuse of more than 3600 children in Germany since the 1960’s. As a result, the church as an institution lacks moral credibility, and, not surprisingly, weekly church attendance has dropped in many dioceses to single figures.

The Bishops’ Conference in conjunction with the powerful, lay-led Central Committee of German Catholics are involved in a two-year consultation which began last December. This process is named the Synodal Way which is best seen as a serious reform consultation within the church. There are four main topics on the agenda: the exercise of power in the church, sexuality and partnership, priestly life and celibacy, and women’s roles in the church.

The organizers claim that their report will look to the future development of the church, especially in Germany, but without setting aside any of the core traditional values of the Roman church.

The interview which is conducted by members of the executive board of Call to Action is with Professor Gregor Marie Hoff who acts as a spiritual advisor to the Synodal Way.

#German Church in Crisis

#German Church Lacks Credibility

#Women’s Roles in the Church

#The Synodal Way and the Exercise of Power in the Church

Here is the LINK for the 43 minute Zoom interview